Detail plan of Pärnu riverside

Detail plan of Pärnu riverside
Planning proposal
Detail plan of Pärnu riverside
Street view
Detail plan of Pärnu riverside
Area between the streets
Detail plan of Pärnu riverside
Diagram of pedestrian movement and activities
Detail plan of Pärnu riverside
Diagram of car access and parking
Detail plan of Pärnu riverside
Diagram of building heights

The area is structured by the river and four wide transverse streets lined with dwellings. The two middle ones are elevated and designated to pedestrians with recreational facilities and playgrounds at the sides and car parks placed underneath.

All four streets become wider towards the river, creating a spacious area opening towards the river. Each square has a bigger, potentially public building. The area between the streets is green and private, to be used mostly by the residents themselves.




Location: Suur-Jõe 54, 54B ja 58, Pärnu, Estonia

Client: Uusarenduse OÜ

Competition: 2006

Detail plan: 2008

Arhitektid: Siiri Vallner, Heidi Urb (Helina Lass, Johannes Feld, Claire Brugere, Héloïse Neveu)

Total area: ~20ha.

Planned total floor area: ~110 000m2.